Our Mission

We, the members of the Mount Calvary Missionary Baptist Church, are committed to . . .

Communicating the message of Christ to lost souls,

Actively responding to the needs of others,

Loving each other unconditionally,

Venturing out to the highways and hedges,

Abiding in His Grace and Mercy

Rightfully dividing the Word of Truth,

Yielding to the Spirit of Christ.

Daily Prayer Petitions

We, as a congregation of believers, offer uplifting prayer petitions each day for our fellow man.


That those who are lost will turn from their wayward ways and be led to the Body of Christ.


That those chosen to do God’s work will read, study, share, and live God’s Word daily.


To help you to keep your eyes on Christ as you suffer through trying times.


That The Lord will open your eyes to the Truth in His Word.


To thank the Lord for all that He has provided you with. (Past, Present & Future)


To keep our family together and living by His Word.


That The Lord will lead you to a greater commitment to His Word and your Church.